Diabetes Awareness Day at Alcorn


On Friday, October 6, 2015 Pi Gamma Mu International Honors Society and Nutrition & Dietetics held its ASU Diabetes Awareness Day from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at the E.E. Simmons Gymnasium (Old Gym).

Alcorn State Diabetes Awareness Day gives students a chance to receive valuable information on diabetes and to engage in fun activities. Students attend this event to  learn the correct ways to eat and to help prevent diabetes as well as staying fit. The event also helped students learn how to maintain a nutritious diet and a steady exercise schedule throughout their lives. Faculty, staff and students attended the event with great exuberation. Jalessa Jordan, a senior Child Development major stated, “This was a very informative event that I enjoyed thoroughly.” There where also door prizes and refreshments being held at the program.

Antrina M. Bell, an Instructor in the Department of Social Work at Alcorn, opened the program by introducing herself and explaining what activities would be taking place. “I would like to welcome everyone and thank you all for taking the time to come out and support us this morning. We will be discussing different types of diabetes and engaging in Hip Hop Aerobics,” said Bell. She explained how people do not understand the importance of diabetes and how serious it is.  Bell continued by saying, “I think that everyone should pay close attention to our speaker and what she has to say because the information is very valuable and helpful to us and for our loved ones.”

The speaker for the event was Dr. Edith Ezekwe who was a former Instructor of the Department of Human Sciences at Alcorn State University. “As a Registered Dietitian (RD) I try to stay within the food groups when trying to eat healthy. It is very important that you drink a lot of water and walk daily,” stated Dr. Ezekwe. She explained that Hip Hop Aerobics is a fun way to exercise and helps you to stay fit. “Please pay attention to your bodies, and the activities that you engage in but most importantly monitor your eating habits because you’re not too young for diabetes,” said Dr. Ezekwe. 

As the event came to a close everyone received healthy snacks after Hip Hop Aerobics and was able to engage in the question and answer section of the program. Tiffany Bailey, a senior Social Work major said, “This was my first time coming to this event and I really enjoyed myself. I’ve learned so much about diabetes, nutrition and exercising.”