Girl’s Coalition Hosts Empowerment Seminar


Girl’s Coalition hosted a “Tell Me How You Feel” empowerment seminar from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on November 12th to help uplift young women across the Alcorn State University (ASU) Campus via ZOOM.

Girl’s Coalition (GC) was first founded at Jackson State University by Alexis Moore and was established at Alcorn in the Fall of 2017 by Jakhia Gray and Patrice Briscoe. Girl’s Coalition was launched on ASU’s campus as a mentoring group to give young women a safe space to discuss different social issues they face freely.

“Tell Me How You Feel” was hosted by Miss Alcorn State University 2019-2020,  Jakhia Gray, a 2020 alumna from Jackson, Mississippi, Miss Senior 2020-2021 Charone Cozart, a native of Denver, Colorado majoring in Health Physics at ASU, and Melody Evans, a native of Augusta, Georgia who is attending ASU majoring in Biochemistry and the President of GC 2020-2021. Within this event, 55 young women came together to support the seminar.

The hostesses began the event by taking the time to host Questions and Answers from the audience on issues they face as women and wouldn’t usually express. The  questions ranged from a variety of topics such as self-love, relationships, friendships, and self-esteem. The discussion gradually grew into an open discussion filled with encouragement and positive affirmations.