How to Wear a Mask with Style


Due to Covid-19, face masks have become a worldwide requirement. Along with this requirement, the fashion industry has adapted its style by making face masks a fashion accessory. Although face masks are somewhat invasive, that does not mean that it should conceal our style.

When choosing a mask, make sure that it fits your personality. Your favorite color, team logo, and even a slogan are key elements for making a statement. While deciding, you also want to make sure that the mask you choose or make covers your nose and mouth entirely without

With over several different types of masks, it might seem challenging to decide which mask to use for what activity. For everyday activities, you should use a mask with multiple layers made from woven cotton or cotton-polyester blends. When exercising, you should use a mask that helps with sweat control. Soft, stretchy materials like a sponge mask or pitta mask are excellent for this activity. With each mask, make sure you know if it’s disposable or can be used more than once.

Since the pandemic outbreak, the fashion industry has been making a healthy profit. The new 2020 fashion trend has been designer, colorful, and blinged-out face masks. Designer Tory Burch’s brand sold out of face masks within an hour of its launch, and plenty of other designers have also hopped on the new face mask trend. High fashion designers such as Michael Ngo, xSuite, and Collina Strada sell unique masks for $100 or more. The reason the price for these masks are so high is that some designers use limited material, and others may add 3D wings or use vinyl.

Much of the world has been crippled and running low on necessary supplies due to Covid-19. In light of the situation, the fashion industry has stepped up to provide as much help as possible by selling and donating masks for those in need. No matter if it is store-bought,
homemade, or designer made, with the virality to prints, colors, and slogans you are guaranteed to find a mask that fits your outfit perfectly. Each individual has a distinctive personality and finding a mask that best represents your style should not be difficult.