HomeTHE POET’S CORNERIt Wasn't the Nails

It Wasn’t the Nails

It wasn’t the nails

That held him there

It was his unconditional love

That kept him there

He was hung high

And stretched wide

And he stayed there

Until he died

He paid the price

For you and me

Gave the ultimate Sacrifice

So we can be free

He was hung on a cross

For people to mock and stare

It wasn’t the nails

That held him there

Nailed to the wood

By his hands and feet

It looked like his defeat

But it was his victory

Truly we must know

As Christians we must tell

The reason he stayed on the cross

It wasn’t the nails

D'Anna King
D'Anna King
D'Anna King is from Brookhaven, Mississippi. She is currently a Graduating Senior majoring in Mass Communications/Broadcasting. She will be a contributor for The Campus Chronicle for the Fall 2022 semester.


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