
Like venom like a sickness
Like a virus like an addiction

The momentary pleasure
feels so satisfying
But when the moment leaves
You’re left feeling dirty, lost, sad, but still thirsty

A burning desire
A hunger never filled
The definition of lust
A sin that kills

Always needing more
The want intensifies
A desire from the flesh
Fire that won’t reside

Intoxicating succulent
thirst for lust
But do you know
You’re killing yourself

Living not separate
But forgetting God.
This thrilling life you’re living
Is only a facade

Your soul is dying
Every cup you drink
Getting drunk off of sin
Will lead you to your end

Don’t take for granted
Every time you take a breath
because that is God’s mercy
You will see death

Don’t be fooled
By the enemy’s schemes
You will be more satisfied
Walking with the King

Fight your flesh
It is an absolute must
Trust me it’s worth it

D'Anna King
D'Anna King
D'Anna King is from Brookhaven, Mississippi. She is currently a Graduating Senior majoring in Mass Communications/Broadcasting. She will be a contributor for The Campus Chronicle for the Fall 2022 semester.


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