Moody becomes Miss Alpha Chi Alpha 2019-2020


“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style” – Maya Angelou. These are the words that Keturah Moody, the newly crowned Miss Alpha Chi Alpha 2019-2020, lives her daily existence by. Although it has been an arduous journey she has prepared herself for success in the future.

Moody is a native of St. Paul, Minnesota where she graduated from Central Senior High School in 2016. As an academic individual, she was on the A/B Honor Roll every semester of her high school career. The extra curricular activity that she excelled at during her high school years was Cheerleading upon which she did for four years and became the Captain of her squad during her Senior year.

When it came time to choose a college after graduation, Moody stated, “I knew that I wanted to attend an Historically Black College and University (HBCU) because some of my other classmates had gotten me interested in them. I did my research with the factors of affordability and fee waivers being the primary points of me choosing an institution and Alcorn State University (ASU) seemed to be the most intriguing choice, so I chose to go there.”

Moody’s family relocated to Southaven, Mississippi during the Fall of 2016. Her parents, Charlnitta Logan-Moody, a former state employee of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and Frankie Moody, a former employee of the Eco Water Systems factory, both in St. Paul, moved the family to her father’s home state. Upon entering Alcorn, Moody chose to major in English Education but changed it to Mass Communications during her Sophomore year because, “Education wasn’t really the route that I wanted to pursue and I realized that Public Relations, Advertising, and Journalism was where my passion really was.”

During her duration at Alcorn, Moody joined P.O.W.E.R., which is a women’s empowerment organization, the Honor Student Organization (HSO), the Mass Communications Club, the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Lambda Pi Eta, which is an Honor Society for Mass Communications students, and she is the Fashion Editor for The Campus Chronicle (Alcorn’s Online newspaper). She was also honored at the Mass Communications Department’s Annual Media Day 2019 where she received the ‘Most Diverse Radio Show’ award for her radio show ‘Femme Talk with Kay La Femme’ which aired every Tuesday at 6:00 pm on WPRL 91.7 FM (Alcorn’s radio station).

Moody recently won the coveted title of Miss Alpha Chi Alpha 2019-2020 in the Mass Communications Department. Alpha Chi Alpha is Alcorn’s Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta. She stated, “With this title I plan to raise awareness about the organization throughout the Department because it is an Honor Society and I think it’s important for my peers to strive to be apart of it. One of my duties is to  find scholarships and internships for my fellow members and I plan to take that seriously because I know how hard it can be to come across those opportunities.”