
As quick as a breath

In the blink of an eye

From the time of birth

Til the day you die

The cycle of life

An escapeless fate

The life of a mortal

Fragile like a vase

For some it seems short

Others it seems long

But we all were created

We’re all the same to God

We are mortals with souls

With bodies we do not own

And one day on this Earth

We will live no more

Though mortality is fragile

Much like glass

There is still hope

For your life to last

You must accept the Savior

Our Lord Jesus Christ

Because following Him

Is how to earn eternal life

He erases the sting of death

And forgives a sinful past

He can remove the fragileness

Mortality always had

Though we’re mere mortals

We don’t have to be

We can live with the King

And escape the fragileness of mortality

D'Anna King
D'Anna King
D'Anna King is from Brookhaven, Mississippi. She is currently a Graduating Senior majoring in Mass Communications/Broadcasting. She will be a contributor for The Campus Chronicle for the Fall 2022 semester.


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