Peace Corps visits Alcorn for Career Fair


Alcorn State University hosted its annual Spring Career Fair on February 9, 2016 from 9 am to 2 pm in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom. Recruiters from all over the world were in attendance to inform students about career opportunities after graduation. Students in attendance were required to wear formal business attire and have resumes available.

Several companies were represented including Cargill, Regions Bank, Walmart Distribution Center, and Toyota. Also in attendance was the United States Peace Corps, who had representatives readily available to inform students about the grand opportunities and benefits associated with the Peace Corps.

Director of Career Services, Dr. Joey Mitchell said, “The first step towards employment requires building meaningful relationships with potential employers. Meaningful relationships are centered on common goals, which usually involve success.” 

Dr. Girish K. S. Panicker, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Conservation Research, School of Agriculture, Research, Extension and Applied Sciences (AREAS), introduced Ms. Stephanie Wade, Peace Corps outreach specialist, during classroom visits to students and faculty in the School of AREAS in the Jesse A. Morris, Sr./W.C. Boykin Agricultural Building.

“It’s truly an honor to work with a service oriented organization that understands the importance of peace building and human development,” said Wade.

The Peace Corps offers jobs in 6 different program areas, including Education, Agriculture, Health, Youth in Development, Community and Economic Development, and Environment. They provide students with up to three months of intensive training before service begins, and offer continued training throughout their volunteer service.

She added that at the Career Fair she would discuss the opportunities available with the Peace Corps, including graduate school, loan repayment, career advancement, and overall personal and professional development.

The Peace Corps is a U.S. Government agency dedicated to promoting world peace and friendship by providing practical assistance to countries that request it, a better understanding of Americans abroad, as well as a better understanding of other cultures to communities in the U.S. The Peace Corps sends Americans abroad to tackle the most pressing needs of people around the world.

For more information about the Peace Corps, please visit or contact Stephanie Wade, at

For more information about the next upcoming Career Fair, please contact Dr. Joey Mitchell, at