HomeTHE POET’S CORNERSame Time Tomorrow

Same Time Tomorrow

This girl made a friend

He seemed really nice

He showed her a lot of things

That she really began to like

He came every day

Especially when she had sorrow

So now when they left

They’d say “Same Time Tomorrow”

He made her feel different

An excitement she never felt before

They did things they shouldn’t have

They knocked on sin’s door

But he made her feel special

He knew what she liked

It was like he had all the treasures

And fun things in life

Each day that they met

They went a little bit further

It sometimes scared her

But it also excited her

Then when they left

They’d say “Same Time Tomorrow?”

And the very next day

He had something new to show

Some days they lied

And others they would steal

They were partners in crime

He gave her something to feel

So today she was so excited

She couldn’t wait to see what they’d do

She thought they might rob a bank

Or find something even worse to do

They do things that are wicked

They committed so much sin

And as they finished

He looked at her with a grin

“Same Time Tomorrow?”

She asked her friend

His sweet smile turned evil

And fear began to sink in?

“Satan, what’s wrong?

Are we not finished?”

“Oh I’m far from done

But you are finished.”

“What do you mean?

I don’t understand.”

“You know, you really should have listened

 to what your grandmother said.”

“Her prayers, fasting, and praise

Irked me so much

She had so much anointing

And power in her touch

But you on the other hand

Were so easy to fool

I may have missed her

But I did trick you”

That’s when she realized

Where she was standing

He always pulled her closer to the edge

And now her life is ending

He shoved her so hard

She felt her ribs shatter

But even that pain

No longer mattered

She felt the heat of scorching flames

She heard the screams of lost souls in pain

As she looked up Satan was laughing at her

He was never her friend because he tricked her

She thought she always had time

She put her life on the line

She traded salvation for a life of pleasure

And lost joy and peace forever

She wishes she would not have played with demons

She should have accepted Jesus

Now she will be stuck in the deepest sorrow because she no longer has a tomorrow

D'Anna King
D'Anna King
D'Anna King is from Brookhaven, Mississippi. She is currently a Graduating Senior majoring in Mass Communications/Broadcasting. She will be a contributor for The Campus Chronicle for the Fall 2022 semester.


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