
Sometimes I have no words
For the pain and struggles I go through
I’m left speechless in many situations
My life goes up and down

Almost like a roller coaster
But really like stairs
I put one foot in front of the other
Trying to rise and succeed

But I sometimes slip or fall
It hurts falling down stairs in life
But I can’t stay on the ground
I get up no matter what

I won’t stay down
God give me strength
Lord pull me up
Without you God

I can’t rise up
Now you are with me
Carry me when I’m weak
Fight for me God

When I don’t have the strength
Never give up, never give in
Until you meet Christ
Always keep going up
The stairs of life

D'Anna King
D'Anna King
D'Anna King is from Brookhaven, Mississippi. She is currently a Graduating Senior majoring in Mass Communications/Broadcasting. She will be a contributor for The Campus Chronicle for the Fall 2022 semester.


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