Staying Positive in a Negative World


Did you ever wonder how people find a negative out of a completely positive situation? This is something that truly bothers me on a daily basis. However, I’m learning to cope because my happiness cannot be determined by someone’s misery. It seems as though when things are going well for you there’s always someone around to be negative. I know some people say  to have “positive vibes only” however, what happens if this negative vibe is with people you have to work with on a daily basis or at a family function? Dealing with those type of environments can be tough. Personally, I pray for these type of people. I pray that they find self happiness. Being envious of someone’s accomplished goal only comes from frustrations of things that they did not accomplish.

In life we deal with people who have different outlooks on life everyday. This gives me the ability to understand that not everyone has the same drive as me. You have to except the fact that people can do the things they envy sometimes. However they don’t have the drive or enough passion to get the job done. Passion comes from wanting to help yourself and being motivated to do a specific thing. Some people want others to make things happen for them. Making things happen yourself is where the work and paying off comes in at. Depending on someone for your success is not a guarantee of success. Some people are often jealous and envious of the the ones who make it happen themselves. Doing things myself guarantees my success because I will not allow myself to fail.

Some people say that going to school, being independent, and being in a successful relationship is easy. However, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. These are a few goals that some people will envy you for. I often think to myself that if it makes them that unhappy, they should aim to motivate themselves to do better. The motivation in someone to accomplish or even try to reach their goals is a factor that many people don’t have. People will laugh at you for wanting your dream job. Yet, when you chase it and receive it they figure out a negative way to degrade you for your accomplishment. This is what many of us go through on a daily basis. I think it makes me work even harder knowing that someone is at the bottom hoping that I fail which in turn only makes me climb higher to reach the top.