National Chemistry Week (NCW) takes place every year. It is a campaign that is aimed at
encouraging people to learn how Chemistry impacts their everyday lives. Here at Alcorn
State University (ASU), events took place in the Math and Science Building that highlighted
and educated students during Chemistry Week which took place between October 16th –
One organization that took advantage of National Chemistry Week is the Delta Beta
Chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity, Inc at Alcorn. Alpha Chi Sigma is a fraternity that
specializes in the field of Chemical Sciences.
The Delta Beta Chapter was in charge of coordinating events to get students in the Math
and Science Building involved with NCW. Displays were set up on the 2nd second-floor
lobby to give Delta Beta the opportunity to share their knowledge of Chemistry with fellow
This year’s theme for Chemistry Week was ‘The Healing Power of Chemistry.’ The Delta
Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma passed out treats that resembled common things found in
a doctor’s office. The organization had Jello syringes, prescription bottles filled with different
candies, Petri dishes filled with jello and candy, and specimen cups filled with lemonade.
Students received their setups well, whether it was some candy on the way to class or
taking a second to learn more about Chemistry. Other organizations that were involved in
National Chemistry Week were the American Chemical Society, Khem Klub, and the
National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical
Engineers (NOBCChE). The American Chemical Society designed a board that showed
how mental health and Chemistry go hand in hand. NOBCChE presented the Chemistry of
Vitamin Supplements, while the Khem Klub showcased The Periodical Table of Medical Uses
and passed out element cupcakes.
A member of the Delta Beta Chapter stated, “Chemistry should be important to everyone
because everything is Chemistry. We ourselves are chemistry. We wouldn’t have the
luxuries that we have today without the important contributions made by Chemists
throughout history. Every single element, bond, and atom is important and keeps everything
in the universe in a meticulous balance.

(Photo Credit: _deltabeta_ from Instagram)