Student Government Association’s Inauguration


It’s that time of the year again for the Student Government Association (SGA) President and his Executive Board to be sworn into office.  That time came on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:00 pm.  The Inauguration was held in the Gold Room on the 2nd floor of the Dr. Clinton Bristow Jr. Dining facility on Alcorn State University’s (ASU) Lorman campus.

The event was opened with the welcome which was carried out by Shirley Tinner, Coordinator of the Community Services Outreach and Engagement Programs. Director of Student Engagement, Devina Hogan, then came up and stated the purpose of the SGA and what were its representative’s responsibilities. Some of the duties included, meeting the needs of the students at ASU, planning and hosting events, and assisting to resolve issues within the student body.

The next phase of the program included the swearing in of the officers.  The first officers to get sworn in were the Secretary, Lindsey Magee and the First Vice President, Tobias Conerly. Next was Business Manager, Allison Norman, Sophomore Class President, Patrick Mason, Junior Class President, Jacobi Holt and Senior Class President, Casey Larry.  Last but not least, Senior, Robert Tatum was sworn in and made the 92nd President of the SGA for the 2018-2019 academic year.  The parents and guests who were in attendance were then acknowledged.

To close out the event, Patrick Mason blessed the food and refreshments were served. Dontaerius Weakley, a Sophomore Biology Pre-Medicine major stated, “I think the ceremony was very professional, went extremely well, and everything about it was fantastic.”