Tell It Like It Is (October 30, 2015)


College is said to be the best days of your life. The time of your life when you try new things for the first time and meet new people that slowly become some of your best friends. However college can come with many stress factors, some of which you may experience quite often. But never fear there are many different ways to collect your thoughts and regroup. Besides, who likes being stressed out.

Recently I found myself becoming more and more exhausted with the hassle of being a college student. Midterms and essays and exams oh my, are more of an understatement than most. Of course there is your usual college anxiety when it comes to grades but what happens when your emotions and other factors come in to play during those stressful days. I found myself spending more time sorting things out. So I’m going to share with you four ways that I cope with stress to help relieve certain student woes.


Reading is not just for learning. It’s more about expanding your creativity and a good escape from the stressfulness of any current situation, if only for a brief moment. When I’m bored I pick up one of the books on my windowsill and get lost in its pages. You can try reading outdoors under a tree or in one of the cozy sofas in the library (the library has plenty of good hiding spots to read in private).


Yoga or any form of physical exercise is the best way to relieve stress and stay in shape. It has many asanas (poses) that help relieve stress and anxiety and helps fight depression. The benefits of Yoga are a happy mind, body and spirit. It certainly helps me when I’m down and out. It’s all about your breathing and how much you can stay focused.  Find a comfortable and quiet place to practice your  poses and remember Yoga is a building process so take your time and have fun.


Most people will argue that they don’t have time to take a nap but getting a nap in when you can also relieves tension and stress. A good nap will leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle your next project. Try finding time to relax for at least fifteen minutes during your busy day even if it’s only to kick your feet up and listen to your favorite music playlist.


Walking gets you up and out of the house. A walk around the pond or the park can bring feelings of confidence. It’s peaceful and gives you time to think and organize your thoughts.

Try finding time to carve out alone time for yourself even if it means sneaking away from roommates and friends. Being in college can be a fun time but the days when you’re down it can be tough to pick yourself back up. Try these ideas as well as anything you do that makes you happy whether it’s shopping or watching your favorite television show. Besides these are the best days of your life, it’simportant to make them count.