The DHPR Presents National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Event


The Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (DHPR) hosted their 26th annual Breast Cancer Awareness event entitled, “Pink Nation On The Reservation.” The event was held in the Davey L. Whitney Complex located at the Lorman campus of Alcorn State University ASU) on Tuesday, October 5th from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. Students had the chance to meet with several vendors who shared vital information about Breast Cancer and the warning signs that people should be weary of. Students had a chance to listen to music, win door prizes, and eat amazing food. 

The month of October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, as it is a way to spread awareness and to detect the disease early on. Breast Cancer is breast tissue that divides and grows abnormally and uncontrolled. Approximately, one in eight women get Breast Cancer and one in 100 men will get the disease. About 85% of Breast Cancer occurs in women and men who have no family history of it. Breast Biopsies can potentially save one’s life. A biopsy is the removal of tissue and in this case, it would be the breast that would be removed.

In attendance at the event was Manola Erby, who is a Youth Specialist with the ASU Extension Program. She stated, “This event started at Alcorn in dedication to the Chairperson of Health and Physical Education, at the time, who passed away from Breast Cancer. Every year, during the month of October, we provide information about Breast Cancer to the community as well as faculty, students, and staff.”

The event also promoted ways to inform users on how to stop themselves from consuming tobacco products. Shirley Brown, who works with the Mississippi Tobacco-Free Coalition for Adams, Franklin, and Jefferson counties, at her table, had numerous pamphlets and facts about the dangerous effects of smoking tobacco, and how it can disrupt your life and the lives around you. She expressed, “Tobacco kills 480,000 people a year and the smoke from it has 7,000 chemicals inside of it. Seventy of those chemicals actually can cause cancer. Cancer affects all of the organs in the body, and people primarily relate smoking to cancers such as lung and throat cancer. E-cigarettes and Jules are even worse than smoking because those are equivalent to smoking one pack a day, which is 20 cigarettes.” 

“Pink Nation on the Reservation” ended with a short walk in celebration of those who have died, survived, and/or currently dealing with Breast Cancer and its treatment. For more information about Breast Cancer contact 1 (844) 274-9215 or