What are the best study places on Alcorn’s campus? Why?


Anthony Shahid


Computer Science


St. Louis, Missouri

The library is the best place to study. I usually go towards the back of the library where it is the most quiet. I am able to complete all of my assignments due to the accessibility of the W-Fi. This environment is much better than studying in my room because I am not as distracted as I would be surrounded by my game system and television.


Dennis Walker




Jackson, Mississippi

The best place to study is in my room at Albert Lott. It’s comfortable and the Wi-Fi is convenient. The second place is the lake by the new dorms because the ambience is overwhelming.


Jerome Geddes




Stone Mountain, Georgia

The library because it’s normally quiet, spacious and has a lot less distractions than other areas.


Zaria Ratcliff


Pre-Med Biology


Brookhaven, Mississippi

I honestly believe that the best place to study on campus is the library because it can be really peaceful and quiet when you try to study alone but also it’s the best place for group study sessions because of the secluded areas. You can talk amongst your peers and not really bother anyone else.


Jivarre Hunt


Molecular Biology, Endocrinology

Graduate Student

Fayette, Mississippi

Well there aren’t too many places to study around Alcorn but if I were to choose a place I’d say the Math and Science Building or my room. Both places are comfortable and peaceful at times. The Math and Science Building begins to get peaceful with no distractions around 7:00 or 8:00 pm and of course while I’m in my room by myself it would be the same if not better.