Alcorn Students Volunteer at Saturday Science Academy


On Saturday, October 24, 2015, Alcorn students volunteered to work at the Saturday Science Academy. The event took place at the park on the Lorman campus of Alcorn State University.

Saturday Science Academy is a program for junior high and high school students from Jefferson and Claiborne County schools. The program is directed by Sonia Eley, a Chemistry professor at Alcorn. Saturday Science Academy, also known as SSA, teaches and helps to improve students in Science, Math, and Chemistry. The students spend their Saturday mornings learning and enhancing their science skills in the classrooms of Alcorn. The program usually lasts from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm every Saturday. Also, students from the Chemistry department assisted in the program.

The students were rewarded for their hard work and dedication to the program with a field day and a BBQ at the Alcorn Park. Education was not left out during this field day because the students played games and did obstacle courses that required scientific skills to get through. Alcorn’s senior class and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated assisted the directors of SSA with the field day. Denzel Weatherspoon, the Vice President of the senior class, stated, “I am really glad our class president allowed us to attend this program, not only did I enjoy working with the students but I also learned from them.”

The student leaders of Alcorn assisted the high school students during their games and obstacle courses. They also supervised as the students played football, cheered, and played many other games that were available to them. The students of SSA enjoyed their field day as they learned new skills, listened to music, and enjoyed freshly cooked BBQ. Alcorn students also enjoyed jump-roping, playing football, and racing the students from SSA. The overall event was physical and a learning experience for both groups of students. “I really appreciate the students for taking time out of their busy schedules and giving up their Saturday to help us out today,” Eley said.

Saturday Science Academy will continue for the remainder of the semester. This mid-semester event gave the students the extra boost to finish the year strong. The senior class along with the Alphas of Alcorn look forward to more upcoming community service events.