I Won’t Be Afraid


Every time I try to do right, evil attacks me. Every time I try to fight, Satan tries to scare me.

He tries to instill fear but I can’t let him. I feel coldness near so I rebuke him. I see shadowy figures in the night but I can’t be afraid.

I mustn’t be filled with fright. He tries to lock my jaw when he attacks me and make me fear what I saw. Every time he comes at me, I rebuke the Devil. So I won’t be scared but I can still feel something cold behind me that stares.

I can’t ignore it.  I must stand up.  I look right at it and tell him Satan that’s enough.  No more voices.  No more fear.  No more shadows that appear. I know a name that is like no other.  A name above all names that causes you to shudder.

Jesus gave me authority over you and all of my enemies to tread serpents under foot and give praises for the victory. I rebuke you Satan, in the Name of Jesus Christ,  the one true son of God. The Savior of my life.

I know you are fake so drop your mask.  I know that You aren’t so big and bad.

Don’t forget what he did  and the legacy he left.  Jesus rose and overcame death.

So I’ll cast you down and all other demons.  You will not take me.  I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus.

I’ll stand tall with my weapon in hand and proclaim the word of God.

Throughout the land I refuse to be scared.  I refuse to be afraid because the price Jesus paid I am truly saved.

He did not give us the spirit of fear but power, love, and a sound mind.  You have no place here. I am not your toy nor am I your slave.  I am forever God’s.  I won’t be afraid.