I’ve Tried


I’ve tried drugs

It made me high

I felt like I was soaring through the sky

But when I came down

Reality hit

Pain and misery came back again

I’ve tried drinking to take the pain away

It worked for a while in such a calming haze

But when the haze left

I felt worse than before

In order to feel better

I must keep drinking more

Then I thought that I was in love

So I started sleeping around

Maybe that’ll cheer me up when I’m feeling down

In the moment I actually felt better

But when it was over

I felt worse than ever

Then I thought “Church”

Please I wouldn’t dare

A sinner like me wouldn’t ever step foot in there

But then I felt something

Like someone was calling

Maybe, just maybe, I could finally be free

So I went in

But it didn’t apply to me

Forgiveness and love was all that was being preached

For a dirty worthless person

A sinner such as me

Things like forgiveness are only in my dreams

Then He said “Every saint was a sinner. Redemption is for you and me Jesus paid it all to set everyone free.”

Then the word love came to mind again

But it’s a different kind of love

The kind that saves me from sin

So I tried Jesus and he set me free

With his saving grace I have been redeemed

With his red blood He washed away my sins

Now I have love and happiness again

No more misery

No more pain

He gave me my mind back and I’m completely sane

So won’t you meet Jesus?

Just give him a try

He’ll change your heart and save your life