McNair Premieres New Radio Talk Show


If you haven’t already, tune in to the new sports talk show on the Alcorn campus which is hosted by Charles Edmond and Alcorn’s Head Football Coach Fred McNair. The show premiered on August 29th and takes the place of the talk show with former Head Football Coach Jay Hopson. The McNair radio show is similar to a TV coaches’ talk show as it gives a recap of the most recent Alcorn State football game. The show is mainly for the fans whether you were able to tune in to a live stream on Alcorn’s website or even if you missed it. The purpose of the show is to give the fans and listeners a recap of how the game developed, how the team won or lost, and to also relive some highlights.

Another good thing about this show is that it allows the fans and listeners to be interactive. “They can send us e-mails, send us messages on Facebook and Twitter and even call-in regarding the previous game,” said host Charles Edmond. The show reveals the individual statistics of the players as well as team statistics, the overall record and standings of the Braves’ Football team and it includes interviews from various players and coaches.

The show airs every Monday night from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm on WPRL 91.7 FM or online at If you miss it, you can catch the replay on Facebook or YouTube by following the ASU MASS COMM DEPT, or by following Charles Edmond on Twitter @tallmanradio. “This is a good interactive program where fans can get involved. If you miss the game on Saturday, tune in Monday,” said Edmond about the show. It is scheduled to run throughout the duration of the football season.