Students Vote to Keep $15 Activity Fee


On Tuesday, February 11, 2020 the Student Government Association (SGA) held a special election in efforts to have the student body vote on if there would be an increase to the student activity fee. The student activity fee is used to put on events throughout the academic year for students.

Students were given the option of keeping the fee at $15 per semester or increase it to $55, $65, or $75. In total, 239 students came out to cast their vote and make their voices heard. Here are the results: Activity Fee Amount

As indicated by the final tabulations there will not be an increase in the student activity fee and it will remain $15. Michael Porter, a Sophomore Biology major from Slidell, Louisiana stated, “I voted not to raise the activity fee because if it passes, that’s means more money that would be coming out of my parent’s pocket and I just don’t want to put them through more financial hardship” while Camille Gardner, a Veterinary Science major from Woodville, Mississippi stated, “I decided to vote for the increase because if it passed I felt that the University could bring more top named musicians and comedic acts here for BraveFest.”

In an email generated on Thursday, February 27th, throughout the University,  SGA President, James Herrington Jr., stated, “After reviewing the SGA Constitution, we found that we need to follow our published process, which calls for a petition where two-thirds of the student body signs in support of holding a special election to raise the activity fee. Based on the results of the election, more students voted in support of an increase in the activity fee, it was just split up amongst the various amounts. Therefore, this item will be placed on the regular student election ballot.”

There will be a Town Hall Meeting hosted by the administration on Tuesday, March 17th at 5:00 pm in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom to discuss the student activity fee and other student related fees. The SGA will have student elections on Tuesday, March 24th and the student fee increase will be placed on the ballot along with additional Royal Court positions.